The Importance of Proper Selection of Ammonia Synthesis Catalyst
The Importance of Proper Selection of Ammonia Synthesis Catalyst
Once the production process for synthesizing ammonia and the internal components of the synthesis tower are determined, choosing the right catalyst becomes paramount. Proper ammonia catalyst selection not only allows its performance to be fully realized under operating conditions, meeting design requirements, but also highlights and confirms the characteristics of the ammonia synthesis process and synthesis tower structure.

Determination of the Brand Code
The diversity in synthetic ammonia production processes, especially variations in the internal components of the synthesis tower, necessitates a catalyst that is compatible and matched to these specific conditions. Through the comparison of the performance of various catalysts and an analysis of the conditions in which catalysts are used in various ammonia production processes and synthesis towers, large-scale energy-saving processes (such as AMV, Braun, LCA, etc.) or the majority of medium-pressure ammonia production processes in China, including various types of tower internals, prefer catalysts with excellent quality at low temperatures and even operate well under low pressure. Ammonia Catalysts like SYAMCAT A217, SYAMCAT A126, and their pre-reduced counterparts fall into this category.
Benefits of Pre-Reduced Catalysts
Pre-reduced synthetic ammonia catalysts have seen widespread adoption not only in large ammonia plants but also in medium and small fertilizer plants due to their evident benefits.
① Reduction in Non-Production Time: The use of pre-reduced ammonia synthesis catalysts significantly shortens the reduction time, accounting for only about one-third of the reduction time of oxidized state catalysts. This increases the effective production time of synthetic ammonia, reducing start-up costs.

② Efficient Removal of Passivation Film: The reduction of pre-reduced catalysts is essentially the removal of the passivation film. The oxygen content in the passivated part is only about 8% to 10% of the oxygen content in unreduced catalysts (varies slightly with particle size). Moreover, the combination of oxygen and iron in the passivation film is relatively loose, making it easy to remove during catalyst reduction. The reduction temperature is approximately 100°C lower than that of oxidized state catalysts. As reduction progresses, the heat generated by the ammonia production reaction can compensate for the insufficient capacity of the heater.
③ Reduced Formation of Dilute Ammonium Water: Pre-reduced catalysts produce less water during reduction, limiting the generation of dilute ammonium water. This helps avoid complications associated with handling large amounts of effluent. Additionally, water vapor is easier to control during the reduction process, reducing the risk of catalyst water vapor poisoning.

The economic benefits obtained from using pre-reduced ammonia synthesis catalysts are significant. Rough calculations on the comprehensive energy consumption of using this type of catalyst suggest that for large ammonia plants producing 1000 tons of synthetic ammonia per day, bringing forward normal production by just one day can result in benefits of RMB several million . Similarly, medium and small-scale plants can expect returns ranging from tens of thousands to RMB several hundred thousand . Pre-reduced ammonia catalysts are likely to become the primary choice for future ammonia production units.
The above briefly introduces “The Importance of Proper Selection of Ammonia Synthesis Catalyst", If you would like to learn more or are in search of a manufacturer for ammonia synthesis catalysts for your company, please feel free to contact us.
SYAMCAT is a professional manufacturer of ammonia synthesis catalysts with over 30 years of catalyst experience and history. Through continuous technological innovation, we offer catalyst solutions for ammonia production. We are dedicated to assisting ammonia plants and fertilizer manufacturers in optimizing production efficiency while reducing environmental impact. Our aim is to contribute to the sustainable development of global agriculture and food security.